
Showing posts from October, 2017

Assignment #6

The next step me and my partner took was to call the pantry of South Hadley, since they didn't pick up we called the Holyoke food pantry. They picked up. The conversation went good, except we found out that we can't bake or cook anything and donate because we can only donate cans of food or like packaged food. That took away our interest because one of the purpose was to cook and bake, but we still get to help others which balances it out. Next me and my partner will buy the products.

Assignment #5 Taking the next step

Iqra and I are going to be donating and making food to one of our local food pantries. Our next step is to get into contact with the food pantries to mension our plans to them. We will see if our plan works for them and if not we can get a hold of another local towns food pantry. Over the weekend the will also decide a few different dates to hang out and plan out the food making and organizing days. I do not believe it is necessary to know exactly which foods to make and donate but if it is necesary, we can do so. This is what Iqra and I plan on doing for our passion project, and our next step to go forward.

Blog assignment #3 - Jung Typology test

My type is ENFP. This means I am 47% Extravert, 28% Intuitive, 62% feelings, and 3% percieving. Three characteristics of my type is outgoing, warm, and intellectual. Generally I disagree with my type. I do not believe it fits my personality, Three jobs that are possible for my type is psychologist, social worker, or counseler. One observation I made is that my type enjoys being around poeple, and everything requires other beings, or nothing is individual. Three famous people with my type are Doctor Suess, Paul Harvey, and Will Smith.